
Custom PCBs

Our custom PCB’s & Flight panels have been designed to work with Digital Combat Simulator in unison with the DCS-BIOS utility.

The Flight Panels fork of the DCS-BIOS github instance will be required as it is the only variant we have confirmed is receiving regular/conistant updates as new modules are released.

Custom Panels

We produce Flight panels for a variety of airframes, but have concentrated on the more popular modules that we fly.

We can produce panels for a specific airframe, depending on available cockpit reference material availability, schematics, dimensions etc.
Although this is not something we would make a habit of, as each new set of panels would likely require some form of customised PCB to facilitate function.

This is obviously much easier to achieve on more popular/mainstream airframes where the information can be sourced readily through multiple online resources & SMEs that assist with module development.

Not to say it’s impossible, but the costs associated with ‘one of’ instances would be cost prohibitive to anyone seeking such a service. Producing such items for ones own satisfaction is one thing, but expecting it be done for others without adequate remuneration is another

Panel backplate

When producing Flight panels it’s all too easy to forget about the most important thing – the supporting electronics, specifically the controller card & where to physically place it, so that it is easily accessible for maintenance & fixed so that it is unlikely to get damaged or create cable strain on solder joints etc.

HAM Radio

One of our members is an avid HAM radio enthusiasts & manufactures electronic components that are much sought after.


We produce a small range of products of interest to aviation enthusiasts..